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Leaks that go unrepaired can result in damaged equipment and large expenses. We recommend to glance around your pool and pool pump area at lease a couple times a month just to see if you notice any questionable damp areas, or signs that you might have a leak.
Pools can leak through fittings, accessories, plumbing, equipment, or even right through the shell. It is important to repair leaks, not only to save water, heat, and chemicals, but also to prevent undermining pool structural components and washing away fill dirt that supports the pool walls and pool deck.
Look closely at the filter, pump, heater, and valves. Check the ground for moisture. Turn the pump on and off, looking closely for spraying water when the pump is turned off. A small drip or two will not be the source of the primary leak. If loss of water level is noticeable in the pool, it won’t be a drip, but a trickle at least.
You may be able to close the skimmer valve and allow the water level to drop below the skimmer, running the pump on the main drain only. However, we recommend using a submersible pump instead, to avoid any risk of pool pump damage. If the water continues to drop, you can rule out the skimmer (although there can always be more than one leak).
When the water stabilizes at any specific level, use a pool leak detection dye test and inspect around the pool carefully at that level. Look for small debris which may have been sucked into the crack or void. This is a good indication of a leak. If the water stops at a wall fitting, wall step, or pool light, give it a good, close look. Shutting off the pump, and plugging the drain, skimmer, and return lines with expansion plugs, is another test you can use to rule out the plumbing.
Take a walk outside the pool deck and between the pool and the equipment pad. Check for wet soil and eroded areas. If your pool has a downhill slope near the pool, walk down the hill to see if you can notice water weeping from the hillside — at least you'll know where your missing water is going!